Worried about having the kids home all summer?? Below are some activities that can keep them entertained and busy! Don’t worry- they’re all fairly cheap and do not require much effort on your part!

- Go bike riding
- Have a picnic at the park
- Go camping indoors- build a fort or set up a tent in the living room. Turn off all the lights and play games with flash lights
- Play board games
- Rearrange bedrooms- make it FUN!
- Write letters to family members (or color pictures and mail them!)
- Go to a waterpark
- Visit a museum
- Attend a Kids’ Workshop at Home Depot
- Make homemade pizzas
- Visit a friend from school
- Play basketball
- Read a book
- Visit the library
- Play with sidewalk chalk
- Paint rocks
- Create a lemonade stand
- Have a garage sale
- Go fishing
- Visit a local swimming pool
- Scavenger Hunt (indoors or outdoors!)
- Jump rope
- DIY Play-dough
- Make homemade ice cream
- Learn new card games
- Plant a garden
- Play charades
- Make jewelry (bracelets, necklaces, earrings)
- Water-gun/ water-balloon fight
- Go to the zoo
- Visit a farm
- Go horseback riding
- Tie-dye shirts
- Go school shopping (beat the crowds!)
- Volunteer at a nursing home
- Learn how to cupstack- buy the cups here or practice with plastic cups.
- Have a glow dance party
- Make root-beer floats
- Put together new puzzles
- Make paper airplanes
- Write a children’s book here
- Do yoga- find kids yoga here
- Play hide and seek
- Learn to sew
- Draw
- Create a puppet show (using brown paper bags or sock puppets!)
- Go to a festival
- Have a STEM day
- Create an obstacle course
- Go canoeing!
Most importantly, remember to enjoy your summer and spend quality time together. Only 12 “summers” with your children…. make them count!!